Thursday, January 24, 2013

Im a Poet and I Know It

                                                    My Sponge

Sometimes she wonders why?
Physically she knows he's not real
Or is he?
Not everyone sees him like she sees him
Girls think she's an attention seeker
Even guys think she is weird sometimes
But she really doesn't care
Often she feels as if he is a safe haven
Better yet, a way to, get away

Seeing him everyday makes her happy
Quiet underscribable
Unique much? Yeah she's unique, she's obsessed with a sponge damnit
Although, he isnt just a sponge, he is more of an idea
Rare idea yes, but an idea none the less. An idea that interests her
Even though he is a cartoon, he makes her feel like a kid
Parents dont understand the pressures they can apply to their kid/s
And sometimes its overwhelming, and at times unbearable
Not everyone understands, and that's okay
Thats fine with her, she understands her, i understand her
Spongebob. Yeah, she loves Spongebob, thats her sponge. Everyone has one, who's yours?


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  2. Hey there!Amazing blog!!! And although your poetry is on a simple subject your description is gorgeous! Keep up the good work. Also just a heads up, virtual TA's are now online and checking on your blogs on a regular. Best of luck!
