Think about my Big Question is kind of concerning me a little bit. My question is not as easy to find answers. Yes it is looking into the future, but its looking into something people right now are stumped on. I want to know, what is going to happen to the world in a couple years. Yes it is a head scratching question, but thats what the assignment was right? Here what I have been thinking about it.
So, first of all, im going to research all of the things that is happeneing in the world as we speak. How mich debt the US is in, global warming, the ozone, everything. Ever since the damn Mayans ran out of space on their calendar, and had everyone freaking out about the world ending in December, I have always had that little doubt in my mind. I want to take action into this subject and see if what their "prediction" was really does make sense or if it really is a big load of crap.
It seems like the one consistent thread here is how people perceive and think about these ideas-- what if you look at how we're taught to think about and solve problems in the face of an increasingly complex and uncertain future?